Bri Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added

If you awaken before me
And I'm crying in my sleep,
I must be dreaming of you,
You dirty rotten little creep.

I've got a lot of hair I hide...BENEATH my clothes,
not the least of which is...the hair BETWEEN my toes.
You may think it STRANGE I've got hair between my toes,
but what MY friends think is strange...IS that i wear clothes.

In my heart/mind are fond memories of snakes and frogs,
which I might find at pond edges, in grass, or on top of logs.
In my youth I was no real fan of either household dogs or cats.
I'd prefer wild animals to catch, or just view, perhaps even big rats.

Some superstitiously think that 'Friday The 13th' is their 'unlucky day',
which can bring to them bad luck. But, for me, I say 'for sure no way! '.
You see, my dear wife and I have worked out how to avoid most of 'it', taking separate vacations on 'that day', during which I mostly do sit.

My Repetitious Future....[long; My Life/Personal; Math]

What do I have to look forward to the rest of my fine life?
It depends, to some degree at least, on my dear wife.
If she stays alive and somehow keeps on putting up with me,
I may live twenty more years (ten more than I 'should') . We'll see.

It happened, nearly twelve years now in our past;
I promised [really? ] that, you, I would outlast.
In other words I ‘promised' I'd not die before YOU,
so, don't forget to die OR my life will NEVER be - -

I plan to start a 'showcase' on my PoemHunter site,
which will NOT be a contest; no need for a fight,
but instead a place where once a month I shall post..
a poem of your choosing, which you would like read most.


Don’t YOU just hate some people? Wouldn’t you like them gone?
Some human-types I do despise, though some people over them do fawn.

The first that comes to mind is the “no-hands” bicycle-rider.

Now that I've typed 2019, I'll concentrate,
to, this New Year's showcase, consecrate …
to the "divine purpose" of entertaining you,
with dozens of poems, or ….at least a few,

AS POEMS ARE SUBMITTED [by sending as a PH 'message' to me this month (January) , and, for this month's contest ONLY, until the 5th of next month (February) ] I shall submit them at the end of this ACTC 'POEM'.


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