Casey Renee Kiser / snail viXen

Casey Renee Kiser / snail viXen Poems

Some men are quite taken with me
because they can't break me-
They don't know I had already been to Hell
at an early age-

Swallow me whole
If you think you can
Breathe me in
If you're that type of man

What are the requirements of a beauty pageant judge? ?

I once thought I could judge beauty.

I shoplifted from your height
and got me some
window ledge religion.

boys don't like
smart girls

they like

He couldn't love me
like he loved his lips to that paper
He couldn't accept The Darkness
except to rape Her

In Spring, he invited me
way down the hall of mirrors
via deep in his eyes (the end)
Fall into Makeover City...

Background noise
is just part of the program
Don't waste time, you can't save them
You can only upgrade yourself

I once dreamed I could sleep

You were there, bouncing a sheep's head
You told me the snakes were coming

dark cloud surrender
take me prisoner
torture me
with half moons


I drink just enough water to stay alive
I eat only when I almost faint
I don't answer the phone
Cause I stay so high, the clouds keep me busy

Nothing but crime
in my throat,
Eyes as vague
as a Tuesday night,

I want to feel alive
like people I see sometimes,
on the street,
holding hands

eye contact
is not on the agenda.

we can hold disturbing conversations

I wake up dead!
I wake up dead!
Clouds hang low
and the sky is red.

Rain is a lullaby
and thunder is a group hug.
Dreams are dirt,
sweep them under the rug.

meet me at the psychiatric ward
on your lunch break
and we can break in together

The grass moves, hello Mother,
the blades of grass cut another

I know you could not cradle me

It's clumsy of us
what we don't tell our girls,
what we allow them to believe

love me,
get lost in me

but beware

Casey Renee Kiser / snail viXen Biography

Casey Renee Kiser is an American poet who writes with bold dark humor about identity, emotional abuse and healing with her own brand of confessional-punk style. Her most recent collaboration with J.J. Campbell titled 'Altered States of The Unflinching Souls' is available 8/8/24.)

The Best Poem Of Casey Renee Kiser / snail viXen


Some men are quite taken with me
because they can't break me-
They don't know I had already been to Hell
at an early age-
The Hell of Myself. Yeah,
I know a little something about self loathing.
It's a gift I don't take for granted
for the only way out
is to go
so deep into the forest,
only to realize the enemy is yourself.
It's a battle I came here to win.

These poor men. They try so hard
to b r e a k my s p i r i t and laugh about it.
I know my way around the forest.
The question is
do they

Casey Renee Kiser / snail viXen Comments

Mahtab Bangalee 11 October 2020

about your POD poem " Truth Hurts And All That Jazz" These poor men. They try so hard. to break my spirit and laugh about it. I know my way around the forest. The question is do they....nice writing and beautiful poetic expression about the truth of life where poverty and richness play a game of realistic life; truth is illusory- it varies man to man, place to place and time to time; I think truth is not everlasting;

0 2 Reply
Bharati Nayak 11 October 2020

Everyone has his strength and weakness. Self loathing happens when we become too critical for our weaknesses and fail to find our strength.It is good that you have found your strength and overcome the self -loathing attitude.

0 2 Reply
Bharati Nayak 11 October 2020

t's a gift I don't take for granted anymore for the only way out is to go so deep into the forest, only to realize the enemy is yourself. It's a battle I came here to win.- - -Congratulations for being selected Poet of the Day for your Poem " Truth Hurts and All- - -"

0 1 Reply
Kostas Lagos 10 October 2020

I've just read her " The truth hurts..." poem. Casey Renee Kiser is a facinating poetess!

0 2 Reply
Rajnish Manga 26 June 2019

'Shed' is a lively poem. Quite an impressive writing. I can easily relate to it. Thanks.

1 2 Reply

Casey Renee Kiser / snail viXen Quotes

I won't sleep if that's what it takes to not wake up as myself

I convince myself memories are nothing more than a plural noun

I'll let no man in, unless of course, he knocks. Walk right in to my heart with a thousand locks.

I want to sleep in the oven because I just burn in the bed

My pillow is as good as any ocean to drown in the nightmare of myself. I swam all the way here from the moon.

I woke up smiling today. I know I look ridiculous... Clowns are sending me death threats.

I embrace the push And never push the embrace

His kiss is a rodeo and love is no match for the bull.

Nothing breaks like boys Pretending to be men.

You have the will to flutter within you. - Casey Renee Kiser

I see your emotional abuse and I raise you my confessional poetry. - Casey Renee Kiser

You need to put the blame on me? Yes, indeed, I'll take it dear. I thought I saw a man but my vision wasn't clear.

The flowers here are fake, depending on your brand of sunglasses.

Knives in my back tell the same old tale of a sad-moon girl who got schooled about the fashion of being fooled; Cut up your black tongue and my black veil

The only loyalty they know is to the harvest of your downfall- Digging your grave under the guise of the gardener

The credits are rolling and the lights are on I am THE END. And the confused crowd I am every critic and every obsessed fan I am the stubborn grip and the release I am taking a moment to remember when I was human

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