Charlie F. Kane

Charlie F. Kane Poems

I’ve always said,
I was born 30 years too late.
I never fitted in to this decade.
I should have seen the 70’s,

I hope that time treats you well,
I hope that your dream will come true,
I hope that Fate looks after you
And I hope you remain young at heart.

If you had one chance,
Would you take it?
If you were given a taste of your dreams,
Would you take it?

I can no longer tell people that I have a little sister,
Now I must say that I have a younger sister,
Because you’re old enough to no longer be a ‘little sister’,
Though to be honest, that’s what you’ll always be to me.

Is that you over there?
Can you see me?
Don't walk away, I'm here!

I wish I were William Shakespeare
I’d be very happy writing plays,
Seeing them on the stage,
Making my audience laugh and cry.

All my life I have waited to see the sun too rise.
I sat and I watched as the golden globe
Entered the skies and faded the night away.
The darkness crept around,

The city is very beautiful at night.
To see the shimmering lights
In the buildings around,
Beacons to the minds eye.


I will try not to cry.
I will do my best to
Make sure my eyes
Remain dry.

As the sun sinks upon the horizon,
As the dark night creeps in,
The dead dance.
On the streets they roam,

Stuck behind,
Only watching,
She moves fleetingly,
I’m only watching.

From this seat,
I see love in so many different ways,
There is a couple on a bench,
Silently enjoying each other’s company.

I hate him,
As I hate Hell and all it’s devils.
I hate him for being better than me,
I hate him for being better than everyone I know,

On the sunny shores of Illum,
Achilles rode his chariot
Towards the city of Troy,
And there the god-like Achilles

Whatever happened to freedom?
I’m sure there were days when we used to free.
But we’re stuck inside
The four walls of the earth.

Backwards go can’t
Just humans but
.Everything change and
, said or done

I met with an old friend,
I had not seen him for many months,
So we went for a few drinks
And a catch-up,

There’s my Juliet,
I used to have a scene with her,
Underneath her balcony,
Sweets words flowed between us.

And your race is run
And I am the one who is left behind,
To pick up the pieces of what’s left behind,
Only the good die young.

Charlie F. Kane Biography

Charlie F. Kane (born Charles Foster Kane) is a 19 year-old student from Birmingham, U.K and currently attends De Montfort Univeristy in Leicester where he studies Creative Writing and Drama Studies. Charlie previously attened Solihull Sixth Form College. There he studied English Literature, Philosophy, and Theatre Studies. In his first year at college he studied Classical Civilization but choose to dropp it at the beginning of the second-year. A descion which he partially regrets as he still has a great love for Greek mythology. Charlie was insipred to start writing poetry and lyrics for several reasons. At the beginning of college he was becoming a huge fan of rock band Pink Floyd and was amazed by the lyrics of Roger Waters. Then in his English Literature classes Charlie felt like the poems that were been taught were some of the best he had ever read, and due to having a fantastic teacher whose passion for these poems got Charlie very inspired to start writing. Charlie started writing poetry last year when a friend asked him to write songs for his band. Charlie submitted several songs to them, but all were rejected on the grounds that they were more poetry than lyrics. Thus Charlie not wanting to waste what he had done rewrote the lyrics to become even more like poetry. I accidentally stumbled upon this website one day, and as Charlie's friend and editor of his work, decided to submit the poetry he had given me to read. The poems Charlie prefers to read himself are those of the Romantic poets, Edgar Allen Poe, Dylan Thomas and William Shakespeare. Charlie professes that when writing poetry he is more influenced by songs than anything else. His main influences are the songs of Pink Floyd and John Lennon.)

The Best Poem Of Charlie F. Kane

30 Years Too Late

I’ve always said,
I was born 30 years too late.
I never fitted in to this decade.
I should have seen the 70’s,
But I was born 30 years too late.

The 60’s were the years of change,
The 70’s were the years of acceptance,
When the people were finding their feet,
The governments crooked;
Wars unsolved;
Yet, created some of the greatest art ever.
I wish I had seen the 70’s,
But I was born 30 years too late.

Imagine, said John,
As Paul flew with his Wings to the top,
Eagles flew from California,
Then the Zeppelin took the Stairway up.
Walking down Baker Street,
Debating American Pie,
Discussing Bohemian Rhapsody,
Then we meet upon the Dark Side Of the Moon.

I wish I had seen the 70’s,
But I was born 30 years too late.

I imagine,
Queuing up for Star Wars,
Screaming at Jaws,
Grease becoming the word,
Stayin’ alive on Saturday night!
I imagine,
Seeing De Niro, Pacino and Nicholson
Lighting up the silver screen.

I wish I had seen the 70’s,
But I was born 30 years too late.

I imagine,
The women who would have been pined-up on my wall
Deborah Harry, Stevie Nicks, Chrissie Hynde,
They have so much more talent and looks,
Than the tarts who litter the T.V and the radio today.
I imagine,
The fear as horror becomes cool,
Stephen becomes the true King,
Satan battles the Exorcist,
Gives us the Omen,
Halloween, Chainsaw Massacre, Wicker Man…

All that in 10 years.

I wish I had seen the 70’s,
But I was born 30 years too late,
Because now it’s gone.

What are we left with?
A world divided,
Puppet leaders,
Controlled and manipulated by others,
We have nothing new.
I wish I had seen the 70’s,
But I was born 30 years too late,
Because now it’s gone.

© Charlie F. Kane


Charlie F. Kane Comments

Hamid Kareem 28 February 2008

hi i like your poems they are very good. i would like to add you to my friends list if you are willing. i really would very much like you to check my poems and comment freely.

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