Charnen Postrano

Charnen Postrano Poems


I fell into a trap in the wilderness.
Broke my bones and was full of bruises.

The vastness of the surface is silent.
The moon is shining above while the air is singing its tune.
Melancholy, melancholy song the choir sang.
The song is far away but my heart resonated with pain.

I used to love, love songs.
Dancing to the music while seeing sparks fly whenever I play it.
I used to love, love songs,
Because I always thought about you.

As I gaze at the moon, I can only think about your eyes.
I still remember the time when I was fantasize by your gaze.
And when I first saw you I heard Taylor Swift singing enchanted.
'I was enchanted to meet you, ' she sang—I couldn't agree more.

As I walked the halls with a frowning face.
I started thinking of how we should've dance with grace.
As the time past by I am slowly losing chances.
Should I give up? Or should I stay like this forever?

Thee be the one whom is treasured for a long time.
For he, is loved by a poet whose inks are tide.
My love for thee is like a never-ending battle.
Battle for life; a battle for love.

Everyone is appreciating the moon; here I am, appreciating the stars.
Stars that shine on its own, twinkling at its finest besides the glowing moon.
My eyes twinkles along with the stars, not minding the crowd less mound.
For it can never pull me towards the crowded waters in the Nile.

'mi amor' a Spanish word for my love.
A love that can change the world and the men
Even the said song; sang by group of dove.
Endlessly dancing—ought to stay at dim.


As I sat on top of the chair,
I didn't realize that I was fading,
My body is slowly diverting into a soul that the naked eyes can't see.
Pain, heavy eyes, shredded heart; eating my system into the ground.

I hereby declare that my love for thy is the truth;
Absurd only in the eyes of the peasants in this kingdom.
A love so sweet like a fantasy, dancing with the fireflies with my prince.
In love, we were so in love, that the witches were jealous.

I love tulips, yes, I do. I love the scent of the flower everytime it touches my nose.
But everytime I try to hold one I bleed and I don't even know why.
It's just so sad to think that it can hurt me badly, even if the flower doesn't have any thorns that I could prick.
The soft stem of the tulip is hurting me and I don't know why.

I've always wanted to approach someone in a room,
I've always wanted to scream the words to someone in a room,
I've always wanted to say something to someone in a room,
I've always wanted to be someones' solace in a room.

Have you ever wondered how lines are formed?
A line that is placed on a person's canvas,
A line that is owned by a line artist's canvas.
His a professional in lines, and it's not even his profession.


Broken glasses and acids be planted
on ground.
Everytime I step everything spills blood.
In front is cell with thick steal bound.

Dearest, darling, my universe.
Have you ever gone to the celestial world?
I am willing take you there while holding your hands, my lover.
Can we go to the moon together and plant our flag and be the first lovers?

This day, I have fallen, I have fallen not from heaven but the clouds.
I can't get up, even if I am fine and not wounded by the sudden crash.
How I wish I could reach my star and return to its loving arms.
Every day and night, I miss you but what can I do?

I suffered; picking Lavender amongst roses are harmful.
Let it be the choice of a man whose minds are clouded with questions.
Lavender amongst roses is a bad decision to be adjourned,
The lavender wants the man to step on an ecstatic water.


That time when you're staring at the ceiling; your mind walking.
Have you been lost? Because I did, I lost at the 3 bears home and for a minute I was goldilocks.

The Best Poem Of Charnen Postrano

I'm Sorry, I Love You


I fell into a trap in the wilderness.
Broke my bones and was full of bruises.
Why didn't I notice you didn't care?
I often cry out of despair and you didn't care.

I sigh in the wilderness hoping you'd see my eyes twinkle.
You were my solace in the misery, my moon in the dark.
I'm sorry, I love you. Is loving you that bad?
I love you as much as I love the moon and the stars.

Stuck in the middle of moving forward;
To forget you, even if it will cause my grief.
I cry in the middle of the night, talking to the stars that shine so bright.
'Will you at least care for me? ' I asked.

I'm still at the restaurant when you thought I was done.
I'm still sitting in the corner and waiting for you to come back.
You'll never gonna lose me, but I already lost you.
I'm sorry, I love you. But I'm not really sorry for loving you.

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Charnen Postrano Quotes

I can't draw with lines, so I draw with words.

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