Francis Duggan Poems

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Mr Grandiloquent

His nouns and verbs and adjectives are perfect Mr Grandiloquent
And on those who spell poorly his verbal pleasure he does vent
His rather posh wife similar to him on every way
That in life the like minded find each other does seem true to say

May Not Be

You may not be a well known celebrity an individual of Worldwide fame
One who is looked up to by many and so many know you by name
You are seen as an ordinary person in your ordinary side of town
Not one who is seen as important and even a stranger to local renown

Why Is It Always This Way

With many of us human beings why is it always this way
That we do worry of us what others does say
Though we harm nobody or are not guilty of any crime
On trying to impress others we spend so much of our time

Learning From Life

The seeds of knowledge slow to grow
The more I learn I come to know
That I do know little I do realize
This in itself is not a surprise

A Long Way South Even

A long way south even as the migratory bird fly of Clara's old brown rugged hill
In my mind I only hear today the babble of the Claraghatlea rill
In the flat fields damp and rushy flowing to the river night and day
On it's journey out of Duhallow to the saltwater shore far away

On John Clare's Badger

John Clare of Helpston the great poet of the English countryside
Wrote of a badger who was beaten with sticks by men and was savaged by a pack of dogs and died
A small creatures who was outnumbered by men and dogs and was without a friend
Against all odds who put up a valiant battle to the end

Sean And Mary's Black Roosters

Sean and Mary's six young Australorp black roosters in beauty does not lack
Beautiful red combs and feathers so shiny and black
But most roosters are born to die young as everyone should know
And in their wired pen in the backyard they are on death row

June In Dereen

In words I can only describe the beauty I have seen
On a Summer's day in June in Dereen
Of green old Duhallow a gem in the crown
Three kilometres by the mountains west of Millstreet Town

An Ageing Beauty

She was quite a beauty when young years ago
But time that ages most things has become her foe
She is not a mother nor to any man a partner or wife
Her deceased female lover was the great love of her life

Those Who Have

Those who have love in them have love for to share
And for the welfare of others they always does care
Always willing to help those of helping in need
Of good karma everyday they sow the good seed

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