Jaden Knight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
143. Fatal Self Surgery

I played a surgeon for a fatal five minutes
securing the room for my own self operation
wiping away all the tears from my eyes
before I cut myself wide open

002. My Cat

Sitting on the fence
my cat looks round
looking for any prey
she gets up and stretches

138. I Saw You At The Park The Other Day

I saw you at the park the other day
standing alone in the pouring rain
not sure why you were there
or who you were waiting for

124. My Back Is Made Of A Thousand Scars

My back is made of a thousand scars
each one from a different knife
most of the blades have long since rusted away
leaving the newer ones that remain

007. An Evening In Old London

Tall chimneys thrust up brick red necks
their smoke black heads unblinking on the scene
for the chimneys have no eyes
no nose to smell out the waste

556. Send Me A Picture Of Your Smile

Send me a picture of your smile if you are happy
if you are upset pass me your tears
if rain threatens send me the clouds
if you are frightened share with me your fears

139. Truth

Some people say that the road to truth is long and winding,
others will just tell you that what you believe is true
does truth really ask more questions than it answers
how you choose to think about it all is up to you

197. Becky

They sit together in their favourite place
holding hands like they used to do
the bench in the park garden is broken
the wood has almost rotted through

135. Beware The Creme Egg

One Easter night laying on an outdoor bed
a crème egg fell from the sky and hit my head
it bounced off my skull with a thumping sound
and rolled away when it hit the ground

136. Lost Friends

They say that everyone has at least one person
that they have left behind in their life
some they regret losing and want them back
others long forgotten and now are mere memories

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