Khaleeq Ahmad

Khaleeq Ahmad Poems

*Words and Words*

O, dear!
You tease me,

Last evening, returning from office,
Gazing at the mesmerising sunset,
On the lead-colour sky,
Far away on the horizon,

O, Life!

One summer afternoon,
Suddenly, without purpose,

You only You

In the dark of this night
When the stars dazzle in the sky,

Like the colours from a frame
Like the clouds after the rain,
We'll fade away some day, very soon,
Nothing to earn here, nothing to lose.

*The First Glance*

That feeling, that awestruck feeling,
Oh! That breathlessness, I had never felt before,

{Inspired by & mainly translated from Tagore's poem WHERE THE MIND IS WITHOUT FEAR}...

*निडर आवाज़*
सिर जहां फ़क्ऱ से हर दम ऊंचा रहे,


And you suddenly realise
No Muslim

*The Mystic Forest*
(This is the year A.D.2120)

What place is this!

Third World War

Yes! This is The Third World War in Twenty Twenty!
Millions affected, thousands dead, Though it's

Dear Life

Dear Life!
Why are you so bleak, these days?

Bleeding streets, blazing youths,
Attacking cops, destroying goons,

Why are we so doomed?

*Strange feelings*

O my meek heart!
Why you always compromise?

*A Cup of Coffee*

'A lot can happen over coffee', as they say-
Yes, It's worth a million smiles,

How I desire to have a cup of coffee with you, again!
To tell you how much I miss you!
How much I wish to see your smile &


There was complete silence.
There was chaos all around,

Khaleeq Ahmad Biography

Dr. Khaleeq Ahmad, working in the field of education in India, is a B.Ed and an M.A., Ph.D. in English. He has been working as a Teacher Trainer, material developer and a resource person in ELT. His professional qualifications include Teaching Knowledge Test TKT, Cambridge University, London, Teacher Development Programme and Train the Trainer both from British Council India, GESE- Grade 12 from Trinity College, London and School Leadership Development Programme from IIM Ahmedabad. Partnership Award from British Council and has been awarded with the 'Bhagirthi Award' for Excellence in Teaching of English in 2012. Dr. Ahmad loves to read books full of suspense and thrill. He studies poetry particularly Urdu Ghazals along with Wordsworth and Browning.)

The Best Poem Of Khaleeq Ahmad

Words And Words

*Words and Words*

O, dear!
You tease me,
You hurt me,
You tear me apart;
Your words- they go like a surgeon's knife to my heart,
They rip apart
My body & soul.

Your words
which mean a lot to me, sometimes,
Kill me,
Just kill me.
We have a bond
A knot that never shakes, a strange bond
A sacred relationship
Which only two souls can feel, just you & me;
You have been a dream for me
You have been a dream to me.

I can't go beyond you
I can't think beyond you;
My thoughts never go ahead of you
You, you & just you:

In a moment, in a moment of that eerie togetherness, you promised me the bond,
That bond of souls
With your precious words;

Your words are a pleasure to me, they're
A treasure to me,
They are a whole world to me,
Please, please
Choose your words carefully:
These are the only gifts
You give me these days,
These are the only wounds
You give me these days,
These are the only surprises you give me these days,
The words, your words
Which mean a lot
Which give a lot
Which snatch a lot.

The words which echo our relationship
Which echo that connect
Which is always there,
It is there for good.

Your silence! Aye, your deafening silence!
When you don't speak a word,
For the world it's silence,
For me, it's a cry,
It's a whimper
A whole lyric,
It's a whole epic
It's a whole world.

Your silence gives me thoughts,
Thoughts that I produce in my words,
In my writings, in my verse.
For, only I can listen to your silence.
Only I can read your unsaid words.

You're the inspiration, you are the force,
You're the motivation
Behind all my creative thoughts,
Your word-less thoughts provide me word-ful thoughts
To write, to share, to express
O, Life! keep on inspiring me,
Keep on motivating me,
Keep on giving me ideas,
Just through your smiles,
Just through your bytes,
Just through your beautiful eyes.
Just through your beautiful voice,

Be, as you are, forever,
Forever young & fresh,
Mine & mine always.

© Khaleeq

Khaleeq Ahmad Comments

Anjum 13 December 2019

Dr Khaleeq Ahmad is a great poet with a noble heart. He writes genuinely.

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