Luo Zhihai Poems

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Steed's Hoofs Gallop

Tall bamboos and silent garden, chant autumn and enjoy moon to cause of revery
Choose music to fill in lyrics to add refined interests, delicious dishes and excellent wine
The people enjoy good health and the land yields good harvests, phoenixes spread their wings, the auspicious day
Favourable climatic weathers, steed's hoofs gallop, the happy time

Double Reed

Tide rising and tide leveling and flowers blooming and flowers falling, wind helps duckweed returns to the winding water
Moon is round and moon waning, spring goes and spring comes, rain beats black bamboos play double reed
Light makeup, blue sky in silence, one shore of willow color, the cooking smoke warm
Faint, rich dress, pink butterflies dancing, both banks of peach blossoms, swallows flying

Missed Love And Continued The Friendship From The Beginning



Are Pan-Green

After rain washing and wind combing, small-fruited fig trees are pan-green
By frost destroying and snow pressing, plum blossoms are red deep
A pond of water can dissolve the millennium moonlight
Eight poles of stars can gather the nine layers of skies

Weeps With Grief

A returned boat in the wild ferry, ragged clouds cover moon, several cold crows fly in the snowy field
The setting sun in the ancient lane, new willows dress rosy clouds, double purple swallows dance with the spring breeze
The star sea in the nine layers of the skies, dipper is bright, autumn inscribes eight verses of poetry, you are pleased
Water and sky in the same color, lonely wild goose weeps with grief, pigeons are distant and indistinct in the blue sky, I am enthusiastic

A Wound

Missing became a knot, hate cause of the new grief
Thought became a wound, smoke closed down the old dream
Clouds disappeared in the Wu Gorge, mountain scenery billowing
Frost color vast, rain enveloped the Fairy Peak

Flying In The Air

Bright clouds floating in the horizon, plums are fragrant on the steep mountain, warm spring in March, the sceneryfine
Drizzle flying in the air, water reflecting in the blue sky, motherland ten thousand years, pines and cypresses green
Pull out the poetic bag, wisps of the orchid fragrance, willow withes dance and play beautiful rhymes
Open the painting volume, leisure interest, horizontal and downward slanting bamboo shadows say heartfelt feelings

Mountains And Seas Are Whistling

Mountains and seas are whistling, people weep from sorrow loudly
Pilgrims recite passages from scriptures, songs and music os Buddhist
In front of the silent courtyard chant the setting moon
In the sad dream pour out the heartfelt feeling

The Roaring Thunder Through Full Ears

The pen scared sky and the poetry shook earth, the roaring thunder through full ears in the place of the broken gut
The feelings of the flowing water and the moods of the fallen flowers, the cold moon in the late autumn in the time of the drunken dream
Loneliness deep and lovesickness heavy, bamboo not intentionally to array in the four friends originally
Less joy and more sighs with emotion, lotus root because has apertures connecting thousand silks

The Dew On The Lotus Leaves

Years without feelings and rivers and lakes sinister, in the world no poems so lonely
Country gathering personal loyalties and ideal gushing, in the human world gathering loves no lonely
River fat and bank thin, blue waves turn over and over, after drinking tea, leisure to enjoy snow in front of the gate
Willow charming and peach tender, green clouds roll and unroll, after meal silent to watch the dew on the lotus leaves

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