Mishack O Madubandlela

Mishack O Madubandlela Poems

To love is to care
To love is not just to show compassion, but to be compassionate
It is to know deep down that you are truly passionate
Passion always pays better

Dear Mishack
I'm your biggest fan
No one cares about me and no one gives a damn
Just write me back if you get the chance

One look, one smile.
One wave, one shy.
That is the only shy you ever feel
One greet, one date.

Scary, frightening,
Leaving you alone with your worst fears
It's how you feel in the dark
Is that how they felt when they saw us?

One, I love you
two, I love you,
three, I love you
four, I'm sorry but that's all that comes to mind when I think of you

My anxiety holds me hostage in my house
Anxiety is the out-of-town show-off cousin that depression felt obligated to bring to the party
I am the party
Only I am the party I don't want to be at

Even if we both break down tonight
I know everything will be alright
I've made a lot of mistakes
Thinking maybe I should pack my keepsakes

Bring me trays to the table
Second hand smoke
Still just drinking canned Coke
Still, I can't say no!

These tears drop... heavier than the raindrops
I try my best to keep them from reaching the floor
because then everyone would hear my cry so loud

Here I am, giving you my whole heart
laying it down at your disposal
I don't want an opposing proposal

Such an embrace
It was fun to run this race
Though I'd want to live some more on my own,
but I also want to be with you

I'd rather be a lover than a fighter
All my life I've been fighting
The Silence, so loud
I need earplugs

Creepy, eerie, scary, frightening
But, most of all… DꙘRK
Oh yes! Very dark
Scared of the devil, are you?


Lately, I've been reminded that love is the only
thing that never runs out
Lately, I've been reminded that love is all that's

Kisses are rare
Only because people like you are rare
I 'm no dancer, but when you kiss me in the moonlight,
The moon surely feels under my feet

Life. Isn't that what we're supposed to live?
We're supposed to cherish it and enjoy every moment of it Yet you made me regret every
moment of it
Every day I spent with you made mine a joy ride

I love you like I have never loved before
I love you like you are the only one I have to love
Loving you is a choice, a choice I am and always will be proud of
I chose to love you for all that you possess

Mishack O Madubandlela Biography

An author who has already published one book titled " Thoughts In My Mind" . A lyrical writer who favours fairness and the intricacy and profoundness of poetry. An author who's been through a number of unpleasant experiences, but still striving to be the best of himself despite the negative energy he keeps stirring up within himself. Used to be cold-hearted just to avoid and get away from real feelings and emotions but they caught up with him and got him to a dark place, ultimately. He thinks this is his new coping mechanism. He was never able to talk but was always able to write. He's very quiet about his feelings, but very loud in ink. And he feels like this is the one place where he can have anyone attack him with their best shot and he'll just squash them with his environment. Also, " if anyone cannot comprehend the intricacy of my work, even after reading it... Then, they don't afford to judge me on anything or even make comments on my life because my whole life story is in ink. And it's not just in English, it's in a poets tongue... And I don't kiss and tell, so... Don't expect to write and explain myself for the second time" -Mishack Madubandlela. Mishack Madubandlela is a Web Designer and Developer at Eclipse Web Design, Owner of a student accommodation business " Alpha House Co-operation properties" . He's that writer who's achieved a number of things in the writing industry and feels like he has to go far. He works on a number of books, including motivational and non-fiction short stories by other authors. Mishack is very kind and generous with his work. He doesn't hog the skills he attains along the way. He works with the likes of Maxwell Magagula on motivational books. They have, together, been working on two books namely; " After This, I looked and I saw" and another motivational book about time management and leadership skills development " The Blueprints of Time Management" . It has proven to be a very fruitful journey that they've taken together. He recently started working with other most gifted writers of stories such as miss SV Moyo. Miss Moyo is a very talented writer who writes a series of short stories that make you realise just how the world works and how cruel it can be. Good or bad, it doesn't matter how a person is, but the important thing is to know your place and be able to adjust yourself to be the best you can be. " You should always show up, and be yourself and make sure that you do the best you can... For yourself because no one else will" - Ms SV Moyo)

The Best Poem Of Mishack O Madubandlela

To Love

To love is to care
To love is not just to show compassion, but to be compassionate
It is to know deep down that you are truly passionate
Passion always pays better

To love is to feel the need to give your soul for her.
To love is to know what she does to you so bad that makes you feel so damn good!
She becomes your definition of love
I know because for me, she is.
I don't care about almost all else
because when I'm with her,
All else seizes to exist.

As much time as I need to do my things,
is as much as she steals from me without me noticing
But, you know what the funny thing is...?
I would be happier than a cat with a bowl of milk
Or an artist with a new pen full of ink

Mishack O Madubandlela Comments

Mishack O Madubandlela Quotes

Poetry is not to confuse ...but to induce A new perspective about other people's experiences

Be like the sun... Do not imbue your surroundings with darkness but with a presence full of life and meaning. Make the futures of those around you better than before you were there

The most powerful weapon you have in this world is.... Your mind

If you can think it, you can do it

Writing is like learning how to ride a bike. Scary and needs perfection. But it's a whole new and exciting journey ahead once you start

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