Oscar Benjamin

Oscar Benjamin Poems


i 've been walking for quite long
in this middle of an endless night
the night that seem to never pass
where is the Nhanda harbinger of

The book of life is open
The book is written in ink of every color
The book of life reads
The class struggle

Fathoming your valor
You show the sun
And release HIV/aids
Human-life inflation

Those days are over now
The days we used to talk and smile together
Dilly-dally and wiggle so we went
Therefore, we danced to the pleasing tone of the days gone by

Where the ray of the bright sun shines
The cloudless sky blue turns
Chirping, chattering and cooing birds of the air
Ma and Pa finds to their kids at care

No matter how slow or fast he go
To his destiny he head
Whether due to his fault or fate
The end stays in its state

I speak to all
I speak to myself
I speak with myself
I speak to you

I plea Mr. President
Do not kill or arrest the Resident
This morning when I walk down the pavement
I saw from a derelict tenement

Oscar Benjamin Biography

The Zimbabwean poet, who hails form Mutare in the mountainous Province of Manicaland. Benjamin has written two novels, 'THE INSIPID TEARS OF WHISPERING SILENCE' and 'THE RAINBOW FAMILY' and various works of poetry. Currently he is based in Harare.)

The Best Poem Of Oscar Benjamin


i 've been walking for quite long
in this middle of an endless night
the night that seem to never pass
where is the Nhanda harbinger of
a breaking soft gripping dawn?

i search for the star in the east
i search for the star in the west
i search for the star in the north
i search for the star in the south
i search for it in the night
i search for it again
i search for it with all left energy
the night that seem to never pass

where we were born the cocks
heralds the intiation of dawn
ere two other wild birds chitters and chirps

in this junkle it is only the
swish-swash sound of flaping leaves
but they breath life
the air from them talk a language
i can sing together with the wild
but where is the Nhanda?
the signal for dawn
albeit i fear not that the star hasn't shone
i still wish it shines
and knows it does shine

Hence that dawn has broken
how shall i be skepitcal of the sunshine?
in the light they shall walk together in arms.

05/ 12/08
Posted by Oscar Benjamin at 03: 04 No comments:

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