Paul Abucean

Paul Abucean Poems

For countless nights I've heard the rain,
Heard matter weep and wail with pain,
And solitary, yet again,
My mind recalls lacustrine dwellings.

The wind has vanished, killed off by the drought.
The sun has leaked on earth and spilled about.
The sky is hollowed out and hot as hell.
There's nothing left but mud in every well.

Hoy córtenme el teléfono les pido,
No pongan más al piano ni un dedo;
Impidan a los canes el ladrido,
Traigan al muerto. Hoy de luto quedo.

Con un amigo me he enojado:
Se lo conté, ya me ha pasado;
Me ha enojado un enemigo:
Se lo callé, con ira sigo.

All things pass and stay forever,
yet we pass eternally,
drawing footpaths in our passing,
footpaths on the restless sea.

'¡No te vayas, no te vayas,
Yo te amo de verdad!
Todos los afanes tuyos
Sólo yo sé escuchar;

All things pass and stay forever,
yet we pass eternally,
drawing footpaths in our passing,
footpaths on the restless sea.

Everybody giggles
In the same old language,
Everybody whimpers
In the same old tongue.

All her life, my dearest mother
Without husband has remained.
We just only had each other
When it hailed and when it rained.

If branches tap my window pane
And lonely poplars quiver,
It is so you return again
And stay with me forever.

We may, long time from now, remember
this very simple episode,
this very bench where we are seated,
our burning temples jointly bowed.

'And then they come to gratify our nation
With their sagacious mugs of wooly sheep'.
M. Eminescu

Sueño profundo, féretros de plomo
Flores de plomo, fúnebre ornamento
Yo solo en la cripta... y hacía viento...
Chillaban las guirnaldas gris de plomo.

Todos lloramos
en una misma lengua.
Todos reímos
en una lengua única.

Le jour, comme aujourd'hui, était serein
(Toi, quintessence des journées sereines!)
En arrière, sur les hauts confins,
L'épais brouillard se dissipait à peine.

In the city where the rainfall visits ev'ry other day,
the inhabitants on sidewalks
hand in hand galumph away.

Te olvidaré, mi amor. Mejor procura
que valga ya tu hora pasajera,
tu breve hoy, tu mes que nada dura,
antes que me traslade - o me muera.

Tigre, Tigre, tú que brillas
En las negras pesadillas,
¿Qué Espíritu sin muerte
Tan terrible pudo hacerte?

Son tantas ya mis noches escuchando
Llover y la matéria en llanto...
Solo estoy, y se me va flotando
La mente hacia lacustres moradores.

Mi mamá su vida entera
Sin marido ha estado.
Bajo lluvia y granizo,
Nadie estuvo a nuestro lado.

The Best Poem Of Paul Abucean

Bacovia - Lacustrine

For countless nights I've heard the rain,
Heard matter weep and wail with pain,
And solitary, yet again,
My mind recalls lacustrine dwellings.

On soggy planks I seem to slumber;
A wave comes crashing from the rear -
I startle in my sleep and worry
If I have drawn the bridge back here.

How History has come full circle
To where its void began to spin!
I feel that with this endless flooding
The rotting pillars will give in.

For countless nights I've heard the rain,
I've startled up and prayed in vain,
And solitary, yet again,
My mind recalls lacustrine dwellings.


(Translated by Paul Abucean)

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