.4. Brain Crash Poem by David Threadgold

.4. Brain Crash

It’s a great sunny morning, the coffee is hot
As I try to remember, the things I forgot
I set brain to recall, but found it had crashed
I’d lost all the bits, of a memory now dashed

I put it on hold, as I tried not to mind
All the things that I’d lost, and I just couldn’t find
It won't stop me trying, to advance but now slow
For my nature is such, that I must have a go

There is always a way, to do things you need
If you haven’t found one, there are books you can read
You may need some help, don’t forget you must ask
When a jobs to be done, that’s just too big a task

Though I work to my limits, sometimes it’s too far
When I’m not really sure, if my brains up to par
The limits not always, the same you must know
As I reach it then clearly, my body goes slow

Help needed recharging, my battery of life
Helped by my best friend, who I now call my wife
Together we’ve struggled, but always survive
To try one more time, keeping my brain alive

© 2008 David Threadgold
Rambling Riddles & Rhymes

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