9 Short Poems Poem by Roland Bastien

9 Short Poems

Rating: 5.0

# 1

Neurones light taught
Even they carry stress
Awake I can choose

# 2

Beside my mind
Phenomena move so fast
I step above them

# 3

Calm seated on my
Cushion, my spine erected
I felt the bright storm

# 4

A day you born one
A night you will die alone
your seeds will spray life

# 5

Paces among light
My mind lifts above the day
A soft cloud blooms

# 6

Memory keeps me
All the way up to heaven
Might I stay in peace

# 7

Deep is my peace
In this moment, wisdom reigns
Over calm water

# 8

Bloomed in my mind
ideas perfumed my sight
O white purest light

# 9

Seasons passed one
time rolls so much pearls a day
Clever, it must stay

Ashraful Musaddeq 12 May 2009

All the 9 are beautiful, I love 1,4, & 9 the most. 10+

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Sarah Abdullah 01 October 2008

Bloomed in my mind ideas perfumed my sight O white purest light WOW sooooo Insightfull

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Tsira Goge 19 April 2008

Fine small verses... The bright storm in these 9 sharps is really felt... And violet idea in mind... Tsira

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poem whore 19 April 2008

nice idea clear is the sky in my mind but CLOUd COVERS MY LIGHT

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