A Better Person Poem by Shaun Cronick

A Better Person

Rating: 5.0

I've tried being nice,
I've strived to be kind.
Now mixed moral thoughts,
Begin to fill my mind.

For who are you,
And what's your game.
You're obtuse and nasty,
Your claim to fame.

Time for you to learn,
Time to clip your wings.
A harsh lesson in life,
Among other things.

Yes time for you to learn,
For you'll never succeed.
A drastic action from me,
Of which you'll always heed.

It will be painful,
Full of righteous spite.
And when you recover,
You'll see the light.
That you were so wrong,
And I was so right.

A lesson learnt,
After all is done.
For a better person,
You've now become.

Copyright Shaun Cronick 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, October 4, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: better days ,bullying,learning,moral teachings,right,teacher
Shaun Cronick 25 October 2020

Thanks again Rose Marie and just to say I might write an even longer version one day. Take care and I wish you well.

2 0 Reply
Rose Marie Juan-austin 04 October 2019

A wonderful poem with a great message. There are people who are geared to make their fellow men miserable in life. Some want to claim success at the expense of others. We must show them that what they are doing are bad by teaching them a lesson in life. Excellent write with great rhyme. Onto my Poem List.

37 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 11 October 2019

Thank you Rose Marie for another kind comment.

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