A Dark Night Forever Poem by Nidhi Rajesh Kumari

A Dark Night Forever

Someone told her that after every night there was a day
But, no one ever answered her when she asked
Why were her nights so dark and heinous
That, no brightness of the daylight could last.

As soon as the light disappears in the dusk
Her tears commence to flow down incessantly
Every night the same old story is repeated
And she lies there nearly dead, helplessly.

Living a life of no self-dignity is not her choice
But, an order inflicted upon by animals in human form
Even death does not come easily to her
What comes regularly is a shameful storm.

A tempest which blows away all her dreams
Of a family, love and a respectful identity
And leaves ugly marks all over her body
Reminders of the animal's cruelty.

She wishes that there was someone who
Looked at her heart not the physical appeal
Who cared for her with love and compassion
In place of buying her in a per night deal.

But, dreams aren't all meant to be true
For, the night is too dark to see
Even God closes his eyes to her
As she sinks into the depths of reality.

Seema Chowdhury 05 January 2011

very poignant poem. sure its a bitter truth with which some people live.

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