A Heavy Load Poem by Audrey Heller

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida

A Heavy Load

Rating: 5.0

It's a long and tiring, road and sometimes,
we carry, a very heavy load! We haven't
got a clue, which way to turn, do we, go to
the left, or to the right? There is no way, of
knowing and sometimes, it's a long and
tedious, flight! In order, to get to where you
want to be, it depends upon the decisions,
you make. To some, it's not that easy and to
others, it's a piece of cake! It's good, if you
have an insight, on the things, you intend to
do. In that case, most of the time, it's right
there, for you. But, if you take someone who's
indecisive, for them, it becomes, a much
harder task. They'll think it over, a hundred
times, no matter whom, they may ask. Life
for them, has always been problematic and
they tend to be, over dramatic! However,
perhaps one day, they'll get it right. It's then,
they'll breathe a sigh of relief, for it will finally,
work out, all right!

1264 / 847
Audrey Heller

Audrey Heller

Bronx, New York/ Now residing in Florida
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