A Homage To Tokonishiki Yasoichi Poem by Ravi Kopra

A Homage To Tokonishiki Yasoichi

What can you not do? You can
crush an advancing elephant
in your bare left hand and
squeeze the hell out of it
silencing his raging trumpets
till Jesus descends from heaven
and raises the dead.

You can face a pouncing lion.
With a single hit from your fist, you
can send him tumbling down to the ground.
He sucks his roaring sounds and the
monkeys and langurs from tree tops
jump down, cheering you, dancing around.

With a single kick of your right foot
you can send a jumping leopard spinning
up in the air, never to come near you.

You can uproot the Mount Fuji
and carry it in your arms
to roast a thousand Chinese chickens
ten holy bulls from India
a hundred bakra-e-id Pakistani goats
an ibex from Abbottabad, a Saudi camel,
to make your evening dinner

to gobble it all down with
a truck load of milk from Texas
two tons of cheese from Denmark
a thousand bottles of Russian vodka
and two drums of white rice saki.

Konishiki Yasoichi, six feet four
six hundred thirty pounds
a mountain of a man,
I humbly bow before you
a thousand thousand times.

A Homage To Tokonishiki Yasoichi
Monday, December 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: homage,lion,man,mountains
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