A Mere Glimpse Poem by Brittany Fegley

A Mere Glimpse

Your worthless, they say.
You'll never amount to anything.
You'll never be anything, they say.
You'll always be cheap.
All that noise those voices make,
They spread nothing but lies, hatred.
They cause undeserving pain.
They always say what they want to,
Speak what they want to,
Do what they will.
They don't care what pain they cause,
They don't know the pain they cause.
I take it all.
I know the lies, yet I come back.
It's like a tourniquet, in the moment it takes the pain away.
But later, later I regret using that sweet vial that lets me lose myself.
Lose my pain, lose my emotions.
Just for a minute.
The hate surrounds me as the darkest of nights do.
There is no moon,
I just can't see the moon.
My eyes are clouded by cataracts,
By Satan's hands.
I long to break free.
I don't deserve this pain, this misery.
I don't deserve to be wading by the lake of death.
I test those waters.
My toes blacken, then my knees.
As my head submerges under the watery veil of death,
I can't help but to scream.
I no longer want the lies, the hate, this undeserving pain.
Jesus I scream.
Oh, Jesus save me from the weightless waters of death.
Oh God, take away the watery veil that surrounds my face,
Transform it I call.
Transform me.
Change my pain in to testimonial love.
Trade me the lies of Satan, for a mere glimpse of the cross you bared.
Make me your bride.
The watery veil of death is no longer,
It is the life that is your blood.
The ocean of death that submerges me isn't that any longer.
It is the gown in which I will wear into your kingdom.
Jesus whispers.
It's not your time, go back.
You will go back.
You will beckon onto those who are experiencing the pain you have,
The lies you have.
Even the hate.
You will be the moon they see in the night.
In the darkest of their hours.
You will be the one to loose Satan of their eyes.
Show off your gown and veil as a testimony of my love.
Let them walk with you on the path to my glory.
May you all see my light miles away,
For is is ever lasting, unending, unceasing.
My glory will be the lamp unto your feet.
May you all have to cover your eyes when you enter into my kingdom,
For my light that is shown though you is only a mere glimpse,
For my love is greater than anything imaginable.

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Brittany Fegley

Brittany Fegley

Corning NY
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