A Moment Of Landing Poem by Akhtar Jawad

A Moment Of Landing

Rating: 5.0

Though during the flight there was a romance,
There was some music and there was a dance,
But when landed the butterfly with a patience
It found a colorful fragrance and a silence,
A silent moment in that nothing is listened to or told,
As in this moment words become the molten gold,
Smiling on her flight and its thrilling adventures
She surrendered to love and its ne'er ending raptures
The butterfly of love came on earth from the skies,
The flower waved its petals and said many good byes.
I shall come again whenever there are autumns of hates,
I shall go on adding a fragrant color to your fates.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Mahtab Bangalee 08 November 2020

A silent moment in that nothing is listened to or told, As in this moment words become the molten gold, /// the golden moment of love during the flight and landing

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Varsha M 03 November 2020

The flower waved its petals and said many good byes. I shall come again whenever there are autumns of hates, I shall go on adding a fragrant color to your fates....these lines are so beautiful hopeful and optimistic. A Lovely poetry. Thank-you sir.

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