A Moment Too Soon Poem by Jaishree Nair

A Moment Too Soon

Rating: 4.5

I can see him coming,
the dark horror of doom,
No way to escape
The ultimate end of all life...

A moment too soon?
I have a lot to do..!
I need to tell my wife
how much I love her...

How pale she looks...
New lines etched
with resigned acceptance of
my careless negligence?

My son in his teens,
My presence essential
to guide him if perplexed
on the cross roads of life...

My boat struggled over the tide of life
Frustrated with fate's cruel pranks,
Wished for this moment many a time
But now a desire to live..

Just a moment too soon..
Too soon to drop the curtain on my drama of life...
Lot left unsaid,
Lot left to do

Time the enemy now,
Like a merciless killer,
No pleas can move him,
Just ticks by dutifully...!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: lament
Dr Antony Theodore 28 April 2020

I can see him coming, the dark horror of doom, No way to escape The ultimate end of all life... very fine description. you see him coming....... horror of doom........ no way to escape. you give the reader the real feeling from your words and description. tony

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