A New Friend Poem by Dejan Stojanovic

A New Friend

Rating: 4.3

Tell me something less significant,
Something about our biology, for instance,
About what you hear while sitting under the tree,
About lonely lions in the prairies;
Forget decorated generals;
Tell me about Private Ryan's,
Tell me something only you know
And make a new friend.

A New Friend
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: friend,friends,friendship,love and friendship
Henry Brown 18 February 2010

Dejan to tell you something only I know....let me think. Well that is tough because there is so much that is in my heart. One thing I do know is you seem to be a kind person. Thank you for reading my poems

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Jack Price 08 November 2011

This is a short insightful poem that tells us that we have to be willing to listen to make a new friend. Well done. J. L. Price

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Leslie Philibert 20 September 2014

I`ll need to background this, I know just of the film, but all in all not my subject

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 20 September 2014

Private Ryan the hero of second world war lost his whole family fighting against German and how he was tried to save nothing is less significant..lovely

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Khairul Ahsan 20 September 2013

The poem has a soft appeal. seems to emanate from a very kind heart.

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Biljana Popovic 20 September 2013

Deep. emotional, clear and strong poem. Very, very good.

1 1 Reply
Mark Dillon 21 September 2012

To me this is about dropping pretences and not speaking just to impress somebody with great knowledge, just be yourself.Well written Dejan.

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Dejan Stojanovic

Dejan Stojanovic

Pec, Kosovo (the former Yugoslavia)
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