A New Tradition Poem by Jim Yerman

A New Tradition

Last year I thought I'd start something new…a new custom…a new tradition…
It never caught on but I'm bringing it back…this year…with a few revisions…

My idea is to celebrate December 26th!
like Christmas, it's filled with joy and love and laughter
but has the disadvantage…of arriving one day after.

If not…I'm afraid December 26 is fated to remain unreckoned…
doomed to stand in relative obscurity with its neighbor…January 2nd.

I think it's time we celebrate those days…days that could have been so great
if they hadn't been ill-fated…..to show up one day late.

Do you know the name of the first man on the moon?
Of course…everybody does?
But do you remember the second…Ed Aldrin…his family called him Buzz.

Buzz Aldrin… the second man to emerge from the Lunar Module….
his history forever destined to be blurred…
Just like the groundhog who quietly emerges from his burrow…on February 3rd

Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world…the second is almost as high…
yet K2 remains an afterthought…kind of like the 5th day of July.

Everyone knows Amelia Earhart, her story is one of courage, strength and devotion.
She was the first female pilot to fly by herself…across the Atlantic Ocean.

The second was Geraldine Mock, and at her even more accolades were hurled
for she kept going after crossing the Atlantic…and flew around the world!

Isn't it funny how life works, for no one could have foreseen
that Geraldine would be a footnote in history…just like the day after Halloween.

But such is the way the calendar unfolds, be it September, October or December
some days, like people, are destined for greatness, while others we hardly remember.

I think it's time we change all that…and give these days their due
For I believe ‘days after' deserve their place in history too.

At the very least ‘days after'…I, for one, think you're great…
If nothing else you're four times luckier
than February 28!

Gio Masserati 26 December 2018

Thanks Jim. Well done! Wonderful poem...especially fond because I am a late arriver and celebrate way past most dates to remember. Gio

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