A Picture Story For The Curious Poem by Alice Walker

A Picture Story For The Curious

Rating: 3.6

(You supply the pictures!)

I get to meditate
in a chair!
Or against the wall
with my legs
stretched out!
(Or even in bed!)

I get to see
maybe half
of what I'm looking at!
(This changes everything!)

I get to dance
like the tipsy old men
I adored
when I was an infant!
(They never dropped me!)

I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!
I get to ride a bicycle
with tall
(My posture improves!)

I get to give up
learning to sail!
I get to know
I will never speak

I get to snuggle all
with my snuggler
of choice:
counting the hours
by how many times
we get up
to pee!

I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!
I get to eat chocolate
with my salad.
Or even as a first course!
I get to forget!
I get to paint
with colors
I mix myself!
I've never seen

I get to sleep
with my dog
& pray never to outlive
my cat!
I get to play
without reading
a note!

I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!
I get to sleep
in a
under the same
wherever I am!
I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!

I get to laugh
at all the things
I don't know
& cannot

I get to greet
people I don't remember
as if I know them
very well.
After all, how different
can they be?

I get to grow
my entire
in a few
I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!

I get to see
& feel
the suffering
of the whole
& to take
a nap
when I feel
like it

I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!

I get to feel
more love
than I ever thought
Everything appears to be made
of the stuff!

I feel this
especially for You! Though I may not remember
exactly which You
you are!
How cool is this!
Still, I get to spend time with myself
whenever I want!
And that is just a taste
as the old people used to say
down in Georgia
when I was a child
of what you get
for getting old.

Reminding us, as they witnessed our curiosity about them, that no matter the losses, there's something fabulous going on at every stage of Life, something to let go of, maybe, but for darn sure, something to get!

Susan Williams 25 January 2016

I had to grin at Low Law's thoughts below! I too have read some poetry that I found a waste of time. But Alice Walker's poetry is not a waste of time. Though her exuberance may go farther than I am comfortable with, I need such writers in my life. She enriches me. She reminds me that life is short and get as much joy out of it as possible and you cannot do that unless you open yourself up to experiences and to love... love yourself is a good place to start. God created me so I start with that! As far as structure, thank goodness there is a sea of differences out there- from e e cummings to Longfellow to Wordsworth to Shakespeare and so on. Viva la difference!

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Martin O'Neill 16 March 2012

I love every word of this. It is so uplifting and positive. Thanks for sharing.

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Low Law 21 February 2014

this is not a poem…in fact most of alice waker's 'poems' are not poems. these do not speak to me, nor do they touch me, intrigue me or mean something. to all of you who look at these poems and believe they have some deep and revolutionary meaning, think again. all this stuff it just sounds like political nagging and complaint, and frankly its tiring me. just because she has some sort of an important name does not make her every product a piece of art. wake up people! think for yourselves for a moment, if i told you that her poems were made by a five year old you would not take it seriously right? so why act as if these are master pieces? ? they're not! i like poems, i love it when they are smart, rhyme, cute, or sad, painful, depressing or even modern poems i don't mind, but this… this is ridiculous.

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Kara Mackenzie 17 April 2016

I understand what Low Law is saying about liking poems that are smart, rhyme, cute, or sad, painful, depressing but it really does take skill to write something like this poem. I think it is inspirational because some people really need to know that at all points of life there are things to be grateful for, no matter what you've lost, and it really is well-written.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 22 October 2020

Lovely poem. Its a poem. It keeps you curious as to what she got to do until the end.

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Khairul Ahsan 22 October 2020

'I get to spend time with myself whenever I want! ' - Love this refrain coming again and again! Congratulations on the poem's selection as the 'Modern Poem of the Day'!

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Mahtab Bangalee 22 October 2020

Reminding us, as they witnessed our curiosity about them, that no matter the losses, there's something fabulous going on at every stage of Life, something to let go of, maybe, but for darn sure, something to get! // under the picture the poet greatly wrote the story of life and the necessary elements of life where human beliefs, faiths, cultures and realistic activeness are going parallel; great write

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Dr Antony Theodore 22 October 2020

I get to spend time with myself whenever I want! I get to ride a bicycle with tall handlebars! a very fine poem describing in details.. tony

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 October 2020

Only sung about in previous days, and now Mr. Obama gonna realize that, in an intellectual way, must I say. To MyPOemList this.5 Stars for you, dear Alice! So nice to know that you are still alive, so that one day you can read my response on this poem. In the past you have many times been chosen by PH and Team. That you must know what I know now. I love your straightness and honesty in all your poems. So naturally. Best wishes from The Netherlnds

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Sylvia Frances Chan 22 October 2020

Walker addresses the newly elected President as " Brother Obama" and writes " Seeing you take your rightful place, based solely on your wisdom, stamina, and character, is a balm for the weary warriors of hope, previously only sung about." This is marvelous, wonderful! In her place I would have done the same, eaxctly the same.

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Alice Walker

Alice Walker

Eatonton Georgia
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