A Poem Lost Poem by John Carter Brown

A Poem Lost

Rating: 4.8

As I lay in my bed, unable to sleep
I composed a good poem I wanted to keep;
It kept going round and around in my head
(I should have been bothered to write it all down)
But decided, by rote, to remember instead.

Once honed, I repeated, lest I should forget
It felt so secure in my mind there, and yet
Time and again I have made this mistake
I should have got up, or at least stayed awake.

In spite of persisting I was not receiving
No matter my anger, there was no retrieving
And so, after all, I now know to my cost
This delicate whisper,
This poem, is lost.

Exactly what happened a few nights ago - and I'm still annoyed with myself.

(Written Oct 2012)
Gabhriel Londe 10 September 2013

You know we've all had this happen. But you did a good job at producing a poem in the wake of that lost poem. Great write

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Susan Lacovara 11 October 2013

I can relate very well to your poem...so many times a wonderful thought escaped by the mere hesitation of capturing it...pen to paper....well written and so true, for poets alike. Thank you for commenting on my poem In My Mother's Hand...I invite you to explore more of my work, as I will, yours. PEACE

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Claude Simpson 03 November 2013

Wonderful poem, relevant and fitting to many of us as writers. It happened to many writers where many ideas would come by but forgotten. Wise to jot down every thought.

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Kanniappan Kanniappan 19 December 2013

Nice poem. It is always better to be awake and write the poem down on a paper, at least with a few hints.

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Susan Lacovara 29 December 2013

I have actually taken to leaving myself a voicemail recording, while out walking, as not to let a poem escape....Seems the good ones, unencrypted in memory, run the risk of being lost...thanks for the reminder to rescue them!

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Koffi B Sossou 10 September 2024

Well said. I don't want to call it laziness but it happens to me sometimes. You forget it if you keep it for later and it will be a loss.

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Kim Barney 10 September 2024

This has happened to me a number of times. Welcome to the club! Oh, I see that I already commented on this back in 2015. Almost nine years ago, so forgive me for not remembering!

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Rob Lamberton 10 September 2024

It has happened to me!

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Kim Barney 16 December 2015

This has happened to me so many times! It happened again less than a week ago. One of my poems is on this same subject. It's called THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY. Reminds me of a writer who had a similar problem. He was always having good ideas in the middle of the night, and in the morning he could remember that he had had a good idea, but couldn't remember what it was. So one night he put a notebook and pencil by his bed and kept telling himself as he was falling asleep: 'Write it down! Write it down! ' In the middle of the night he sat upright in bed, grabbed the notebook and scribbled something in it. The next morning he looked at the notebook to see what he had written. It was 'Write it down! '

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Terence Collings 28 November 2015

I wonder if Keats and Shelley had this problem?

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