A Son's Lament Poem by Richard Wlodarski

A Son's Lament

Rating: 5.0

Why can't I communicate with you, Father
Your brilliance is awe-inspiring
Why can't I find the words to say: I love you
Your love should have empowered me
Why can't the would-be poet find the words
To express your genius and mine
Why can't I feel the pain that has suffocated you
And tormented our separate lives...lost forever
Why must our lives be incognito
Searching for treasures lost within
Why must God touch our souls
And Satan tear us apart

Father, I have seen the Holy Father within You
Dad, you have touched me in more ways than you'll ever know
God, you've sent me a Father I'm getting to know
Satan, keep on trying you'll never get to know

Saturday, December 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: communication,father and son,god,jesus,sad love
Rajnish Manga 22 June 2017

This shows how deeply you have been influenced by your father and the impact seems to be paramount. You have underscored the same in an emotional tone. The poem goes into my poem list. Highly impressive. I recited it while my family was seated around me. Thanks, Richard. Why must our lives be incognito Searching for treasures lost within

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Richard Wlodarski 24 June 2017

Rajnish, I am greatly humbled and honoured. There is no greater honour than to be put on a fellow poet's poem list. And to recite it to your family! Wow! Thank you so very much for your support and encouragement. Most Appreciated! !

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