Mother Poem by Richard Wlodarski


Rating: 4.8

What is a mother?
Someone whose life
Gave birth
To a new soul

Someone whose heart
Pumped blood to life
Whose eyes opened fresh ideas...
The eyes of opportunity

What is a mother?
Someone whose true love
Breathed passion into
My very being

Someone whose tears of joy
Taught me how to laugh
And whose tears of sorrow
Taught me how to cry

What is a mother?
Leading to being
With humanity

Thank you Mom
For teaching me
To walk and talk
And negate hate

Thank you Mom for being there
When fear paralysed me
Holding my hand in safety
Everything is...OK

Saturday, December 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: joy,laughter,love,mother,pain,suffering
Dr Dillip K Swain 01 May 2023

Thank you Mom For teaching me To walk and talk And negate hate....what a great poem that tributes to a mother in general! Your this poem will live with your readers forever! You have proved your worth as a genuine poet! !

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Dillip, you have so totally positively overwhelmed me. Can't thank you enough. You've left me speechless.

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 30 April 2023

Great words, Richard. Great dedication. Inspiring

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Happy that you like it, Kesav. THX so much for your very positive comments.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 23 April 2023

Thank you Mom for being there When fear paralysed me Holding my hand in safety...I have never read such a lovely poem ever before! I love the personality of this humble Richard reflected in this endearing poem!

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Richard Wlodarski 23 April 2023

Words fail me, Dr Swain. I am deeply moved by your love for this poem. And by your comment about my personality.

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Sem Ralfh 25 March 2023

Excellent writing

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Richard Wlodarski 25 March 2023

Thank You very much, Poet Ralfh!

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Pallavi Tripathi 09 March 2023

Mother is god's grace on earth!

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Richard Wlodarski 09 March 2023

Absolutely! Pallavi, THX so much for your wonderful comment.

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