A Sudden Flight Poem by Tom Billsborough

A Sudden Flight

Rating: 5.0

Elle montait a la cime du col
Ou elle ouvrait son grand parasol
Le vent devenait fort
Elle s'envolait tout alors
Son premier et son dernier vol.

Friday, September 9, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: mountains
some Limericks have been submitted in second languages.
As French is mine I thought of having a go. If anyone wants to have a go at putting it into a reasonably accurate English Limerick, feel free.
The Prose English Translation is as follows

She climbed to the top of the pass
Where she opened her huge parasol
The wind became strong
She took flight right away
Her first and her (very) last flight.
Wes Vogler 10 September 2016

When she reached the top of the pass Her parasol opened, en mass And the wind on that day Bore the lady away... 'Twas her first and last flight, though, alas. ha ha .. Judith beat me to it and admirably. I bow to her version

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Tom Billsborough 11 September 2016

Just a point. The third and fourth lines in the french do rhyme as the last consonant in both fort and alors are not sounded in french. so for and alor.

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Tom Billsborough 11 September 2016

I think a drawn game there. I'll cut the bottle of champers in half, lengthways!

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Annette Aitken 09 September 2016

it looks lovely written in french which sadly I don't understand...so glad you put the english version in your notes because it is a beauitful poem. Annette

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Tom Billsborough 09 September 2016

Judith's translation is very beautiful. Impossible to improve it, . Glad you liked it.

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Tom Billsborough 09 September 2016

It's that Wes with his second language stuff. Couldn't resist. Actually French is fairly easy to rhyme. I reckon Judith deserves the plaudits. Her translation makes a fine Limerick.

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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