A Sunken Ship, Of Disparities, Set Aloft. Poem by Michael Gale

A Sunken Ship, Of Disparities, Set Aloft.

I was young and i would rant and runt many a mile well far beneath my feet or feat of deceit...
My feat of deceit would heavily relate to problems of my tell tale told heart most often would I to have to depart in a dark cloud of sadness obsessed.

Twas i unholiest possessed? ...
Twas i mistakenly confessed?

I was ravenously maddened by a sudden sadden and forlorn feeling of oneness and unaloofness, beset...
What sorry world have as i have lived in, or for that matter-matter of sin?
What have i lived to experienced great sadness and regret?

Aged waste of the fruitless angered and wind swept mind, of thy self's sail-less, soulless thine...
What feast's befall my inept wandering boat of forgetfulness and un necessities, in life, be mine?

That i may yet begin to drown in my self loathing and self pities, which in turn, burn me bad to the thinnest, and tinniest of shell less bone marrow...
May my particles and atoms, rejuvenate, my innate gatherings of my mystique and dark, blackened sparrow'ed, bird's eyed view, so well shrunken, and narrow.

Let me take a much needed respite filled rest of these ancient, but weary bones...
Never, please be not your in bred talents to allow me to drown out my sorrows inside a deep and darkened bottle of Davey Joneses, long lost throttles, me timbered, hate filled, decks.

I am at last sorrowed in pity and distaste of my hallowed empty life...
Forever am i, adhered to eternal grief and strife.

Let me, now, to assimilate, deep down into my irate quagmire of misery and self hate...
Allow me, now to adjoin myself to a constant heaping of troubles and often seeking sunken depths of a sad, mistrusted life of shame, well anchored off my shores of self irreputible aspects and

Avast ye, these ship borne dreads and helm spied ties to life itself...
I now will walk the plank of forgetfulness and insecurities a splendored afar and swim adrift of any sane help.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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