I don’t want to be an Easter bunny
I think Easter is all rot
‘Cos those humans try to catch me
And put me in a pot.
Or cover me with chocolate
For their awful brats to eat.
I could not even run away
They’ve made key rings of my feet.
What career is right for bunnies?
Not IT – too many bugs.
I don’t want communications
‘Cos they’d utilise my lugs.
I wouldn’t consider politics.
My career would soon get stuck
I know that I would be ignored
They always pass the buck.
So I’ll just remain a lazy bunny
And do what I do best,
Twice Tuesdays, three times Thursdays.
Other days? Oh, Stuff the rest.
I enjoyed the humor in this one. How did the bunny become so used at Easter time anyway? I have never eaten rabbit, although it is considered the best meat to eat from our health point of view of course.
I remember my mams Rabbit pies, loved the crusts and the gravy i can see them now in my minds eye with their skins stretched out to dry seems a thousand years ago, thanks for the memories.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I love this little Bunny poem! It's so cute. Chocolate Bunnies are yummy but this little Bunny is good for my brain and wont give me any weight gain, heh heh Ruthy