Abandoned Poem by Angela Wybrow


A door slams:
An echo fills the air –
This once busy sales floor
Is now completely bare.

For Dad and I, a visit to Woolworths
On a Saturday morning was a must –
But now this first floor sales space
Is empty and full of dust.

I remember when it was full
Of children’s laughter and excited chat,
But sadly there came a time
When it kissed goodbye to all of that.

I remember a time
When girls and boys
Would rush upstairs
To purchase new toys.

But as I walk through
This spacious room,
All I’m surrounded by
Is silence and gloom.

To me, it seems sad
To see the place this way –
In a state of disrepair
And slow but sure decay.

As a customer at Woolworths,
I saw this space bathed in light,
But now, as an employee of their successor,
I just see a sad and sorry sight.

The red and cream coloured flooring
Is the one thing that’s still in place,
But with walls stripped back to bare brick,
This space now wears a different face.

On the ground floor,
There’s now a bargain store,
But the first floor sales space
Was not required anymore.

Its very life has been sucked out;
Its vibrancy has disappeared,
The space now lies abandoned;
Its fixtures and fittings all cleared.

In life, this space
Has just one goal –
To make itself useful
And fulfil a new role.

Friday, March 14, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Work
Colleen Courtney 14 March 2014

Wonderful poem! Brought back memories of when I was a child and every Tuesday on my Dad's day off, him, myself and my Mom always had lunch at the Woolworths lunch counter. Thank you for bringing back a precious memory!

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Chuy Amante 14 March 2014

Brilliant writing! I love the style and the moral was good too! thanks

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Bill Cantrell 14 March 2014

A true to life poem that rhymes with reality and that is very well crafted, thanks for posting.

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Angela Wybrow

Angela Wybrow

Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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