Admission Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg


Rating: 5.0

I say with all sincerity.
You can be sure I speak the truth
I’m not the man I used to be
I was a most obnoxious youth.
I thought then I knew everything
ignored all good advice I heard.
Til life taught me I knew nothing
My pretensions were absurd.
Now I have reached maturity.
I know I don’t know very much
That I can claim with surety.
although I try to keep in touch.
I must accept reality
knowledge advances constantly.


Ernestine Northover 11 January 2008

Oh my goodness doesn't it indeed. It is real hard to keep up with the speed of these advancements. The brain is buffeted from all sides. This I enjoyed very much as I do all your writes. Great flow and contents. love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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John Nightingale 16 January 2008

From experience we have to learn from our own mistakes. It's who we are at the end that's important. Lovely work.

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Milica Franchi De Luri 23 August 2009

It takes courage to admit to past mistakes, sadly some never do.......... Love the poem...........

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Naidz Ladia 27 May 2009

precisely, absolutely, definitely correct...this poem is very nice...naizz

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Ashraful Musaddeq 14 October 2008

'My pretensions were absurd. Now I have reached maturity.' Nice admission, the poem. 10+

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Chitra - 18 July 2008

profound thoughts emebedded in your poem

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Bob Blackwell 02 June 2008

I life full of mistakes, is how we learn the way to happiness. Lovely poem Ivor. My life was full of wrong ways taken. But now I take the road less travelled and it works. Bob

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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