Advice For Children Poem by Jim Yerman

Advice For Children


What can we say to our children as we watch them running to and fro?
What advice can we offer them…you know…advice to help them grow?

For weren't we all children once…running to and fro?
And aren't there things we learned back then…we'd like for them to know?

We could start with:

Life is to be lived…don't always do what's right.
Don't always color within the lines…by all means fly a kite.

Believe in yourself when others don't…ride in a boat upon the sea…
Stop to count the stars at night…at least one time…climb a tree.

Do the best you can in all you do…If you make a mistake…don't fret.
Watch the sunrise in the morning…and in the evening watch it set.

Swing on a swing, slide down a slide…run…for no reason at all.
Enjoy the warmth of summer, the birth of Spring…and the changing leaves in Fall.

Eat ice cream whenever you want… hug…and kiss…and share….
Never knowingly hurt another being….sometimes…it's okay to swear.

Travel to new places…learn to ride a bike while pedaling with no hands.
Never be in hurry to grow up…smile as often as you can.

Do what you know is right…don't be afraid to take a chance…
Sing whenever you feel like it… feel free to cry and laugh and dance.

Love life when everything is bright…and love life when all is black
for you'll find if you love with all your heart…the world will love you back.

And perhaps the best news we could end with….
advice that never will be wrong:
No matter how much older you become…
always bring your child along.

Sunday, June 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: children,parenting
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