Africa Awakes.
Early morning: a mist enshrouded scene.
The coughing of a lion: Surrealistic dream.
Far in the distance, a frantic scream.
The neat feet of the dainty gazelle,
A blur as she flees, who can tell
Which predator stalks the one who fell.
A mystic awakening, perhaps the beast in man - strong suggestive imagery very well knitted into the theme. CP
Africa's mysterious cycle caught in your words.a ten...
Short beautiful poem with visual imagery which awakes thoughts and meanings.
What I like most about this poem is that various readers can take it to mean various things. I like that however you perceive the setting of the poem can drive how you perceive the poem itself. It's open to the mind and imagination. It's open to any emotion you see or wish to see in it.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Very nicely done. Stirs up the imagination and elicits sights and sounds of the wild. I can see the pictures and hear the scream. And it doesn't eliminate the human question.