Agenda For Rule 2 Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Agenda For Rule 2

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Not law of the ruler, rule of law,
And enough dough to muse hungry maw—
What the man average
Wants Rule 2 to manage,
And time-bound stitch on tears he ere saw!
Elections are won and the nation is saved from worst of apprehensions. What next, this ditty hints at what an average man wishes. Note ‘hungry maw' is allegorical, not just referring to hunger, but aspirations as well. The last line refers to the errors of omissions and commissions of the Rule-1.
Happenings |04.06.2019|

Thursday, June 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: justice,law
Rose Marie Juan-austin 07 June 2019

The ruler must bow down to the rule of law. The ruler is there to serve the people and not to be served. Whatever the omission and commission , it is always subject to the rule of law. A wonderful and brilliant limerick embellished with wisdom Thank you, Sir for all your wonderful comments. Your poems and comments are always imbued with wisdom.

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Aniruddha Pathak 08 June 2019

Thank you so much Rose Marie your discerning comments. But sometimes I wonder whether it is the age that weighs me down with 'wisdom' or is it the wisdom that pushes up my age. The truth perhaps is: I take my pen when I have something specific to say, and say it well in a poem. I am not a student of wild and misty imagination in poetry, nor my poems generally are on beauty and butterfly.

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Edward Kofi Louis 06 June 2019

Rule of law! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aniruddha Pathak 07 June 2019

Thank you Edward Louis for reading this poem on Happenings. The world seems to be fighting hard and often losing the Rule of law Vs the law of the ruler.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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