All My Dreams Are In Portuguese Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

All My Dreams Are In Portuguese

Rating: 5.0

My poems all have pictures now.
I think they are improved- -and how!
And all my dreams are Portuguese.

What a fun feature
Of being able
To add a picture
And still to dream in Portuguese!

I hear it spoken every day;
I hear it spoken every way
And so I dream in Portuguese.

Of the tongue some have a great command,
Others are hard to understand,
But still I dream in Portuguese.

As we walk here we must beware
Of flying mangos from the air.
Mangos, mangos, everywhere!
And all my dreams are Portuguese.

Oh, what a sad day it shall be
And will occur much too quickly
When I return to Home Country
And cease to dream in Portuguese!

All My Dreams Are In Portuguese
Monday, January 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: nostalgia
Where I am living there are many mango trees and the mangos are constantly falling. I was almost hit by a mango the other day, and my wife was narrowly missed once a few months ago.

written 11 January 2015
submitted 12 January 2015
Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
Pamela Sinicrope 14 September 2015

So I turned on my computer after three failed attempts to comment on my Iphone. Frustrating! I wish I could dream in Portuguese too! I loved the rhythm and rhyme of your poem. It will be one of those pieces that stick in your head...I hear it spoken everyday / I hear it spoken everyway...that stanze is the refrain were this to become a song. I love mangoes and this is the third poem I've read today with mangoes in it (another poem of yours and a new one by Tan Pratonix) ...loved it!

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Magdalena Biela 19 January 2015

I read this wonderful poem of yours and I felt the need to tell you a few words...You live in Recife, Brasil, I live in Arrecife, Lanzarote...You dream in Portuguese, I will start to dream in Spanish (so far I dream in Finnish :) !) . I love the inner melody of your poem. You are born in music, you have it in your blood. I have the feeling that your poem came without much effort straight from your soul into the words. I can play it on piano, I found its rhythm and today I simply played it and sang it. I'll try to make a video and attach it here, somewhere, for you, to hear your poem sang and played on piano by me :) . Wonderful work!

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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