An Ode To Poemhunter Poem by Miraj Raha

An Ode To Poemhunter

In this august assembly, I stand
witnessing the amalgamation of poets
from all the corners of the world.

Where race, color, culture, religion
all at once become meaningless,
and in the end I see only One thing
of eternal value, Humanity.

Through the poems, I acquire wisdom, Love,
anguish, happiness, sorrow, laughter, pain,
and an unlimited diversity of Expressions,
yet in the end, all I am able to understand
better is none other than My own Self.

I realize how beautiful is Happiness,
how powerful is Pain, how deep is a feeling
but still there is this subtle perception,
that the Ultimate Goal is to rise above
them All.

I thank you PoemHunter for providing
this platform of constant wonder, like a
vast ocean, and waves after waves they come,
just when I feel, I have seen the most perfect piece
of work, along comes another one.

Thursday, September 17, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life,ode
Neran Sati 14 October 2015

..but still there is this subtle perception, that the Ultimate Goal is to rise above them All.. wonderfully depicted.. the evolutionary path of consciousness - to rise and rule over others - for the mind to be crowned..Thanks for sharing this poem, Miraj..hope to hear from you soon, all the best!

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Sanjukta Nag 19 September 2015

An ode to poemhunter... liked the idea and the writing too. great values of life are also included in the poem that took it to a good level. thank you

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Liza Sudina 17 September 2015

Ode To Poemhunter - this site realy deserves such lines! ABSOLUTELY! ! !

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Gajanan Mishra 17 September 2015

eternal value - humanity, I like it..

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