An Office Boy's Prayer Poem by Subbaraman N V

An Office Boy's Prayer

Rating: 2.8

Oh! Mercifull God
I do see the services of
Jawans in the frontiers keeping vigil
Protecting the sovereignty of the holy soil
Fishermen going deep in the mid sea
Earning their bread and butter- days without tea
Miners working hours in darkness
Exploiting minerals for our happiness
Farmers going to the fields early morning
Tilling, toiling, sweating, suffering till late evening
Potters working in clay and water
Producing lovely pots to cook and keep!

Millions of workers do their job
Facing risk of life and hazards of health
Without creating worthwhile wealth!

Millions and millions on earth
Un and under employed sans worth!

I am indeed blessed
With the jopb I have
With the work I do!
Let me not
shirk my duty
be tempted to dishonesty
be a parasite on the society!
Let me
be helpful to all my clients
be respectful to all my elders
be sensitve to the needs of my office
qualify to go up the ladder
desrve to get what I desire!
Oh! God Almighty!
Give me the strength to stand the strain
And help my colleagues to stay in bliss
Grant me the will to be at peace
And spread that peace to all with ease!

Gita Ashok 25 June 2010

Let me be helpful to all my clients be respectful to all my elders be sensitve to the needs of my office qualify to go up the ladder desrve to get what I desire! Oh! God Almighty! Give me the strength to stand the strain And help my colleagues to stay in bliss Grant me the will to be at peace And spread that peace to all with ease! What profound lines these are! If there's a word that means more than excellent, I wish to use that here. As I said before, a practical, simple and apt prayer for everyone is what I find in your page.

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Kesav Easwaran 14 June 2008

'Millions and millions on earth Un and under employed sans worth! ' a staring truth...a very good reason for a thanks giving prayer

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Who Iam 30 January 2008

Well done, something many of us strive for each day. Sam Ross Fuller

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Subbaraman N V

Subbaraman N V

Karaikkudi - Tamilnadu- India
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