And What Time Is It In India? Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

And What Time Is It In India?

compared to the time zones of the United States? now everytime they respond just ask yourself cause you know my occupation is a Trucker so we got hours catering to the load and layovers and time off and just ask yourself why and what is their occupations of all these profiles who appears with specific countries? Why are they "poemhunting" even though mine ain't poems obviously so why they hunting my beep and i don't write poetry?

Monday, November 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: today
now their cover is completely blown lets see what excuse and respond they come up with and topic and snagged wording lets see cause a synonym is a synonym and antonym is itself so let's see how they creating cause i guarantee you we ain't in the same place now and ain't in the same truck etc cause on many sites be statesmen to pedophiles to porn stars to hackers to scam artists to washed up movie stars to music entertainers to sex whores to feminists to yeah kids too to racists hell on this site its pretty much everybody and im reaching out to my people and i like the fact that they are trying to create an infatuated poem to poem fantasy which is sickening unless you compassionate from Soul to Soul about it but i ain't with noone on here and quite honestly never been nowhere else cause people take the cyber beep too far like its reality but it ain't but its just like the matrix which got wrote by an indigenous female and on the movie youcan tell how the copies didn't wanna and tried not to get pulled into reality cause once they do they die which is a real occurrence on the cyber is once you pull em into reality then they can't swim and they die not like dating sites although somewhat if you risky and forgot about how to communicate with people then yeah you cultureless and lonely as hell though like i said you can use the internet like i do or people like that mentioned abuse it for schemes of fame and power which only exists on the internet until you pull their ho card and many of em dont want that to happen cause then they face their own writings typed and have to explain why and where they gather those thoughts from and can no string theory or fake telpathy prove it although hacking is great substitute which is highly unethical and immoral but all of these poets claim or and all of these poets claim a religion which actually goes against the internet totally so they hypocrites off top and their motives to why is questionable at every angle and they gon think about this before they respond cause its in their criminal nature to do so but why when your cover has been blown? and see a real poet ain't gon be on no site like this and that's real not a experienced one and if so something is wrong terribly like suicide or sexual frustration or criminal behavior or loneliness and etc and if you are a student who studies people just remember of America and who claims America cause i don't as this is just a what? a passport and birth certificate and license to operate as a business entity and i think that alone is soo much info for new parents because before you sign that birth certificate and every plan for that child or children you gotta under no overstand business and how play apart of it from birth and fortunate and unfortunately we as indigenous people know offhand how cause we made this conglomerate called America or United States whichever to the M- well do your studies and that's why i am a literary artist naturally by Akan Cherokee Ewe you see we been doing this past two thousands years not in english which is really deutch or german which a few loners in there and not a real tongue at all and thats why it feels good to have three real actual tongues stemming from three real nations with culture....
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