I'm too scared to close my eye's
Are you still there?
Darkness is my despise
Please I don't want to die
Give me your hand and lead me on
Make me a happy little song
Sing to me every moment of the day
Say that you love me
Because I love you too
I don't want to see nothing
Don't let me become blind
I won't let the darkness take what I must see
The Good
The Bad
And all that is Inbetween
I want to see it all
I want you to see me
Stay by my side and keep me warm
Inside and out
Keep my body hot
Passion mixing into the day
Save me when night falls so black
That none can see the light of hope
Lead me back to your smile
Lead me back to you
I'm so scared to close my eye's
Don't let me close them
Don't let my sight fade
I am too scared to close them
I can't close my eye's
Are you still there?
A cry—in such a true, poetic, deep, sincere, and tragic tone—will never go unheard.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
It's incredible how rhymed this piece is, I truly hope with age comes richer inspiration for you.