Atheists Are Theists Poem by Chan Mongol

Atheists Are Theists

Rating: 5.0

My parents taught that to eat is a prayer!
To begin in the name of Allah or the mightier! !
Parents pass on, the language to own children!
Identification of humans come for them, then! !

Language gives the introduction of the religion!
Kids grow up as humans with fine motivation! !
Even, atheists are religious but they don't admit it!
They just make troubles to get own special seat! !

We owe religions much for our developments!
Whatever we have, characters or sentiments! !
Few always want be fancy and want attention!
They talk out some weirdness, NASA's vision! !

Hell with atheists, traitors without characters!
Even Pharaohs and Abu Lahab were believers! !
Just be honest and tell that you need powers!
Penetration of theism, atheism are not matters! !

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: belief,religion,theology
Ruby Mostazir 03 October 2017

Hell with atheists, traitors without characters! Even Pharaohs and Abu Lahab were believers! ! Just be honest and tell that you need powers! Penetration of theism, atheism are not matters! ! Wow! I completely agree with you....great write

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Kelly Kurt 29 June 2016

I am an atheist, Chan, and like to think that I am as moral as anyone else. I was born into a Christian family and indoctrinated into their One True faith, but logic, evidence and common sense led me to the reality of our existence. Religions have divided this planet for millennia.

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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