Balance Sheet Vs Poetry Poem by Asit Kumar Sanyal

Balance Sheet Vs Poetry

Rating: 5.0

Someone said
The men who can read balance sheets
Can't write poetry
It's not right
I can read balance sheets
And write poetry too
May not be good one, but I can
Commerce is in my plinth
Book keeping is in my heart
And final account is in my memory
I can read balance sheets nicely
Not only of a company
But of the life too.

My balance sheet is simple
When I go through it
I found, children is my asset
The amount spend on their education
Is my investment
Mistakes I made is my loss
Happiness is my profit
Fame is my goodwill
Honesty is my capital
And what I get from my children …
Now and then … is my dividend.

The life is connected with
balance sheet and poetry … both
But poetry is more relevant
I can live any longer without balance sheet
But not without poetry
Because balance sheet can be put in poetry
But poetry can't be put in balance sheet.

Saturday, December 26, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Kumarmani Mahakul 26 December 2015

What an amazing balance sheet poetry shared definitely. Wise sharing done here.10

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Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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