Be Careful Handle With Care Fragile Thing.... Poem by Rhymer Rhymer

Be Careful Handle With Care Fragile Thing....

Among all friends
wife is the best friend
Among all familiars
wife is the best familiar
Among all women
wife is the best woman
Among all nurses
wife is the best nurse
May be she is shrew
May be she is arrogant
May be she is proud
she is the Queen
she needs to be proud
she is the best
for her no test
Man is the most sacrificer
Woman is tender
No behave like a vendor
She is from Heart to Heart
You are from Brain to Brain
Be careful and handle with care
They are fragile
You are hard
be not Hard to a woman to Hurt
keep her in your chest
She will be the best
Hadis: "woman/wife is half of you"
So what should be your VIEW?

ADDED with it the former one

When You marry
You give a serious promise to her
A woman gives birth to children
Goes through hard times during her pregnancy
Then she suckles the baby and takes care all nights
When they get sick or need anything
She sacrifices her beauty and youth for being a mother
How fair is it when her husband leaves her when she is grown up?
If she would have never take care of her home and family
If She didn't sacrifice her body and beauty
Husband would say:
"What a bad mother she is."
Where is integrity and loyalty?
Fear GOD regarding your behavior towards your wives!

but women are not angel so you have to CONTROL her with Brain as you are from BRAIN to BRAIN

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: wife,woman
Unwritten Soul 11 April 2018

To care is like to keep fragile things everywhere, it can be precious thats why we care from it to be broken, so i think it is like that. :)

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Rus Mer 11 April 2018

thanks for the observation and view

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Rhymer Rhymer

Rhymer Rhymer

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