Be Humble Poem by Randy McClave

Be Humble

People died yesterday
Soon in a grave they will then lay,
They will have no more dreams or desires
And they won't have any priors.
Death once was so far away from them
They constantly ate good and went to the gym,
And they were always excited about the next week
Where new adventures they would seek.
So, remember always to take care of yourself
Be good and caring with your soul and your health,
And be not bitter and hateful to anyone
Because, those you hate might soon be gone.
Always forgive and then kill your pride
You don't need that demon at your side,
Life is short and bitter you have always heard
And please don't forget or ignore to read the Holy word.
Always appreciate the souls that value you
And also love them and appreciate them too,
Remember even when your enemy errs and does stumble
Always be humble.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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