Beautiful Beyond Reason Poem by Tatianna Rei Moonshadow

Beautiful Beyond Reason

Rating: 5.0

Each world that falls from your lips
Leaves an imprint on my heart
Each time you speak it is a song
That is just waiting to start
Each time you speak my name
It is gorgeous because of how you say it
Each smile brought to your lips
Is lovely by how you display it
Each glimpse I take of you
Is delicate and ever so sweet
Each time you take a step
An angel envies how light you are on your feet
In every move you make
You are so wonderful it must be a blasphemous treason
You are more precious than any god
You are Beautiful Beyond Reason

Jon Alan 16 September 2007

No disrespect to Melvina, but I think she lost the Spirit of the poem in her being so rigid about her beliefs that she lost the reason for the art of Poetry, and she sort of preached where no preaching, or judging, is necessary. I feel you were just displaying your deep inner emotion of inner happiness and did not in any way hurt or blaspheme in your choosing those words, in fact, the God I Love would be happy you found someone to share your Love with. No offense sincerely, Melvina, just a disagreement about what is or is not a blasphemy.

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Melvina Germain 20 October 2006

I liked it a lot right up to the second last line 'You are more precious than any God'. That's quite impossible in my mind, but then that's my opinion. There is only one God and he is the creator, who could possibly be more precious than God. As I said, I enjoyed this poem until that point, so I would have given you a (10) however I would rather not give you a low rate, so I just won't rate it at all. I like to be fair.---Melvina---

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