Beautiful In And Out Poem by Falana Zion

Beautiful In And Out

Rating: 5.0

River of thoughts swallowed my heart
My ardentpen couldn'tholditsinkto write
My wonderful book said here I am
For I found someone,
whose beauty unmatched
At the sight of her beautiful face
I recalled my mother's beautiful age
My emotions swallowed my gaze
I leaked my lips like a paste

My heart fell faster for her than ice in hell
I fell for her beautiful head gear
She was like a cluster of stars hung on a fruit tree of red
Her pink lips pierced my heart like spell
The elegance like a spear
Piercing my heart through my hair
Like a voice from a forgotten land
The beauty rang in my heart

My soul waslamp-less withouthersight
Like a diamond in the sky,
Her white teeth shone between her parted lips
The lips speaks seduction on its own
The lips parted like a crimson rose
Her love maddened my soul like wine
Storm of thoughts struck my heart
And lingered like an unloved guest

Her beauty was hard to bear
But I was swallowed up by fear
I didn't know the next step
As Tears glistened the corner of my eyes
I confronted her with my feelings held high
Though love is a kiss under water
But I put my fear on the other side
Because she is beautiful in and out.

Beautiful In And Out
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Ekiti State, Nigeria
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