At this dangerous time,
An invisible entity,
Which is now in it's prime,
Is changing identity.
Out of sheer desperation,
The political jerk,
Dictates to the nation,
Get back to work.
This ruthless killer,
Has not gone away,
It's now in the chiller,
Awaiting us, its prey.
We have fell way behind,
Because of neglect,
Are, the government blind?
They're supposed to protect.
Thousands have died,
They'd have us believe,
Facts show they've lied,
As double that grieve.
All those who care,
Are placed in great danger,
They are fully aware,
P.P.E. is a stranger.
Politicians think, cost,
We need to make money,
Though lives will be lost,
The treasury looks sunny?
As millions perish,
They use their statistics,
To prove what they cherish,
We're but human logistics.
For this viral swarm,
They don't give a damn,
There'll be a very long storm,
‘' Before We See, The Calm ‘'
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem