Black Sheep Poem by Chan Mongol

Black Sheep

Rating: 5.0

Poem by Chan Mongol
January 23 of 2020

When someone wants to rob in your critical condition
When you are not in a state to take the right decision!
The person is not a human but a lion worshiper animal
If knowingly the person robs in your condition of critical

When you supposed to get support in your deadly struggle
But the person takes opportunity in your moments of survival!
Those adults who stab you more than you see in movies
Mankind experiences such betrayers in series after series.

When fear of consequences of Greek and English law is in people
They certainly develop sentiment of moral, ethical and physical!
How about those who talk big on their theologies and religions
Are they created to do violence like those man eater wild lions?

Don't think that family members are innocents who don't do crimes
But some are born with souls of devils to hurt you in own times.
Adults murdered own parents for greed, wealth and monarchy
Though such incidents got waivers in countries and in the history!

Be careful from any selfish and opportunist black sheep in family
More you patronize the evil more the evil will hurt you cruelly!
Center of love and attention go for the disgusting naughty one
And that naughty one will back stab you in the long run for own fun.

Very seldom, some know who gave them the life to be in here
But after the age of thirteen most children do terror and horror.
Many want to build own life only and consider you as a first target
How can you trust someone again who is already a known renegade?

Thursday, January 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: betrayal,crime
Kingsley Egbukole 23 January 2020

A wise an interesting counsel. Thanks for sharing

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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