Blessed, But Some Of Yall Missed The Mark Poem by Colette Dright

Blessed, But Some Of Yall Missed The Mark

Looking over 2020, this year I…
I cooked on the stove and I pushed the button on the microwave
(Either way, I was blessed to have options)
I clicked a light switch on (Blessed to have electricity)
I put my key in and turned a doorknob (Blessed to have my home)
I adjusted my thermostat (Blessed to have air and heat)
I washed dishes (Blessed to have food to eat to dirty them)
I cleaned the tub out (Blessed to take a bath or shower)
I flushed my toilet (Blessed to be able to dispose my waste)
I heard birds chirping (Blessed to hear)
I brushed my teeth and my hair (Blessed to have teeth and hair)
i slept in peace (Blessed to have a bed)
I never thirst (Blessed to always have had water to drink)
I clicked the remote back and forth from cable to Netflix to YouTube (Blessed to have options and internet)

I went out the country to London on a family trip at the end of Feb, got back 2 weeks before this virus took over
(Blessed for God's mercy and protection)
I flew by plane, I walked and I drove back and forth across interstates and bridges this year. I arrived home safely every single time (Blessed to have God's traveling grace)
I walked past the pharmacy at Walmart and drove passed hospitals (Blessed to have God's favor and healing)
I raised my arms and praised God every day this year
(Blessed to have arms with no pain and no arthritis)
I sang gospel songs often (Blessed to have a voice)
I texted, talked and scrolled down Instagram (Blessed to never have had my phone disconnected)
I never been to a hospital or urgent care (Blessed and grateful)
I saw the brightness of God's sunlight shining in my room each day (Blessed to have sight)

Thank You Jesus for blessing me. For all You have done for me Father God, I praise You and I thank You
You are my Protector, my Savior, my Healer, my Redeemer, my Everything.

I am very humbled, grateful and thankful, because God's blessings, favor and overflow for me meant -
I was never hungry or homeless
I had clothes for each season
I increased in wisdom, strength and patience
I have use of all my limbs and body parts
I can walk, run, jump, sit, stand, blink, think, snap my fingers, whistle, dance, laugh, kneel...
My five senses are functioning properly
Yes, I can hear, smell, taste, see, and feel the warmth of your love
I am in great health, mind, body and spirit…

Now you think I have a reason to complain about 2020 being bad? How could I not be grateful and thankful?

If you are able to read this, that means you too made it into this new year.
Yes, so many are sad and may say their loved one didn't make it to see the new year, but they actually did "Make It." If they made it into Heaven. They made it to see a new year in God's Heavenly Kingdom. That is so much of a reason to rejoice.

2020, I can truly see, everybody didn't "Get It." Meaning, some of yall missed the mark and what the purpose and revelation of 2020 was. Many are looking at all what was wrong with the year, but how about looking at what was right?
What if God said, "Since you didn't ‘Get it, ' maybe you need to go through it again and maybe this time You'll Get It."
How would you feel about that?

So many need to understand God's mercy and His grace. Yes, YOU are still here, but trust me, God did not leave you here to complain. He has a purpose for your life.

Now, don't get me wrong, my 2020 may not have been your 2020.
I do understand that it has been extremely hard for so many people and many were taken out of their comfort zone. But what God has shown you was even during your struggles, times of lack and less and your times of doubt and uncertainty, He was always there. You grew in strength and endurance and in more ways than you know. You found strength you didn't even know you had. You made it and I am proud of you.

I pray for God's blessings, peace, favor, spiritual growth and a wonderful, prosperous 2021 for all.

Friday, January 1, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: new year,strength,god,struggle,change,changes,peace,doubt,grateful,thankfulness,mercy,endurance,wisdom,understanding,blessings,blessing,life and death,death,virus,grace,beginning,patience,body,gratitude
A reflection of God's love. So humbled, grateful and thankful for God's mercy and His grace.
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