Lobster woman was there
At the bus stop just like before
I'll take the heat for speaking
Too late, for her to have heard
But can you really blame me
I tried my best not to slip, besides
What could she have said
That anyone needed to hear
Everyone stared as usual
Waiting for her to reach up
Pinch the fenders off the bus
I've been thinking about gumbo
Over at Cajun Bob's Diner
She could be friends, maybe
With Jambalaya Janice or Earl
The creme-de-menthe king
Talk about some nice socks
Those guys in the movies
Who can climb the stairs
After taking a couple of slugs
Dive out the window landing
On the badguy's getaway car
Well those guys are pure fiction
You gotta hold pressure, both hands
Hard, trying to handle the bills, still
In a dark theater I could think
I could just sit down for awhile
I'm gonna die laughing if I think of that
Special again...chicken fried chicken
45th...seven more blocks to St. Mary's
This is brilliant Tailor, full of humerous observations. Top marks from me. Best wishes, Andrew
What a quirky (sorry Wendy, couldn't think of a better word) , comedy sketch from a great observer of life. This one reminds of an old Barry Humphreys Record in which Sandy Stone (his best character, in my humble opinion) recites words that catch his eye on the train journey from Flinders Street to Ringwood station. This one strikes me as something similar - a stream of conscious musing on snippets of larger than life characters seen and remembrances triggered. All delivered in a conversational and highly original style. Worth several reads. Wonderful poem. love, Allie xxxx
And I nearly died laughing here! ! Christ I don't know what to say or where to start! I'll stick with something reasonably safe - I think - and say that this is classic Tailor Bell: unpredictable, rich in unusual imagery, funny (often very) , cryptic in the most poetic fashion, and as always first rate entertainment. Loved it. jim
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I love this style of writing...it's full of real life and totally immerses the reader in your view of the world. Very, very good writing.