Out of my mind
Dug her up again
Her shiny coat
Pulled tight
My tears falling
Onto her perfect eyes
Please, oh please
My wails carried around
Come with me
Awaken now
My special clown
You cannot
Sleep here
With these
Silent roots
And flimsy leaves
Held her close
Until we were
TAILOR...Being a darkside writer, i must say that this piece was shocking and beautful all in the same vein...Your sterling use of imagery is impeccable, as was this work all-around''''''''''''''''''''''fjr
A mixture of feeling like a close memory of one who has passed from this moral earth Thankyou Love duncan X
Perfect. Multiple meanings evoke multiple appreciations. Wonderful. - Will
A true heart-wrenching poem that anyone can relate to that has had and loved a pet. Your poem evokes many emotions in the reader. Very well written. Ashley
Broken down, so much sadness here, the tears streaming down ones face. It is beautiful and the title drew me in, , , , , for we all feel abit broken every now and then in one way or another, but the emotion in it held me to not only read it once, but then again to see what I might have missed.....this one is a treasure. mm :)
This poem has so many different connutations, it's great writing and sparing the details enough to make us wonder. I do agree with JH here, most heartbreaking. You do write fine pieces Tailor. Great work. HG: -) xx
Tailor, this is a sublimely heartbreaking piece of work. 'Dug her up again' opens and breaks hearts. Yeah, this is as much of a heartbreaker as I've read. Anywhere. You've captured a truth about how desperate our attachments can become and laid it out so rawly and purely that we feel it competely. jim
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A wonderful and mysterious poem, Tailor. Barbara